The LRG Student Dissertation Award Scheme is open for 2014. We request submissions that explore an interdisciplinary approach to landscape. In 2014 LRG set long-range priorities for research. As a result the next few years of awards will prioritise work that is relevant to pressing societal challenges with a landscape dimension and research that contributes to the development of society’s understanding and respond to these challenges.

We are especially interested in landscape research:

– that responds to injustice
– that responds to the challenges of rapid environmental change
– that considers short-term decision-making and narrow franchise
– that challenges established norms through creative work.

Landscape Disciplines
We welcome applications from a broad base of disciplines that encourage an interdisciplinary approach. Our categories include, but are not limited by the following list.

We reserve the discretion to award up to:


The deadline for the 2014 LRG Student Dissertation Awards is 2015 March 1, for all awards UG, MA and PhD. To nominate a student, please visit the LRG Student Award Pages, which can be found here.

If you have questions speak to:

Pauline Graham Administrator                                Timothy M Collins,Co-ordinator
Landscape Research Group Ltd                                Landscape Research Group Ltd
email:                    email: